Are NFTs the future of art?

Yes, this last 2 years have been awful, people really hate them for the people that died, things that were cancelled or other things. But something that, in the end of 2020 and the start of 2021 appeared, may be the future of art, a type of art that is kinda unusual to see. They are called NFT, don't know what that means? Dont worry, I will explain.

What is a NFT?

In a formal way, a NFT means "Non Fungible Token", in a not very formal way, imagine a drawing, with a NFT you can sell it, no need to print it, no need to deliver something, just the image and a certificate that  will show the name of the person who bought it. A NFT can be anything that has to be with the technology, for example, a video, an image, a gif, etc. 

Pros vs Cons

Every "good thing" has his bad things and, well, I could say they have some problems


-You can pay via different currencies, including crypto
-Most pages(well known) are secure, because the pages always have a verification
-They are online! You can have it in a computer, cellphone, etc.
-They are easy to make


-Some pages are easy to hack, for example, get the download link of a NFT
-They are images or videos that can be screenshot
-Some NFTs use robbed assets, for example, the face of an actor that was download and made a NFT
-They can cost thousands of dollars

NFT that was sold for 69 million dollars

My opinion

In my opinion, the NFTs are an amazing way of art, with limitless possibilities, but they need to make some changes.  For example, on how the pages work, having a better security system to guarantee that no one except the buyer has the NFT. In another part, it is becoming more popular every day, with musicians, artists and other people making their own NFT.


  1. It is new for me, I have never heard about it before, and I think is a good way of art. so creative!

  2. I love this new way or making art. It's incredible and it manifest the importance of UNITY.

  3. I think that NFT's are the future of the art, I've heard about it before and I find it a very interesting way to own beautiful pieces of art , but it's true they have many disadvantages, especially for the content creator

  4. This is very interesting!, for me it is something new that I did not know about, and it sounds very impressive

  5. It is amazing!! How nowadays technology can do a lot of things like that is something which is fantastic. I really liked the way you explained it.


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